EXPO Dubai, Slovak Pavilion, February 3, 2022, 2PM local time
You are cordially invited to our session of lectures on Covid-19 in the Slovak Pavilion on EXPO Dubai which will take part on February 3. Here we would like to present how we showcase Slovakia as an example where innovative preventive measures go hand in hand with innovative
treatment measures.
Chemosvit Fibrochem will be presenting antimicrobially modified Prolen Medical textiles reducing various viruses and
bacteria (eg. ˃99% reduction of SARS-COV2 and H1N1).
We look forward to meeting you. It is possible to
discuss and ask questions. You can join us via ZOOM link below as well.
#dubai #expo #slovakpavilion #expodubai #prolen #prolenmedical #antiviral #antimicrobial #antibacterial #textiles #medical #covid #sarscov2
Meeting ID: 874 2813 8234
Passcode: 440591